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Nature vs Man Made

Images explore natural in contrast to manmade whereby I have predominantly focused on birds. Multiple images within the series of photographs captures the movement and direction of birds when in motion within their natural environment. The birds (natural) within the images have fundamentally been captured in a manner that illustrates the direction and motion of movement, whereby small sections of blurriness occurs. Through the blurriness and movement of the various birds, a sense of direction is emphasised whereby the marks on the image look as if it has been applied with a paintbrush. In contrast to the naturalistic bird structure and motion, an origami bird (a manmade object) has been placed in multiple different environments whereby the texture and surrounding of the environment has been explored. The origami bird (manmade) has been placed amongst the roughness of rock, interacting with an angled structure/sculpture and consciously thrown on the floor with a graffiti wall overpowering the background of the image, all of which intensifies the contrast to the movement of the natural birds.

I have critically explored my subject matter and through my detailed exploration I have placed myself in a bird’s environment in order to feel and witness the flapping of wings and the manner in which the birds fundamentally interact with other birds. The photographs captured are powerful in a sense that it challenges the viewer in a manner that should evoke the viewer to think what the birds are really doing? Are they mating? Are they flying? Or are they fighting?

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